TFELT: Finding Better Ways to Evaluate Teaching at MU
Date: Monday, February 24th, 2020 Time:11:30 am – 1:00 pm (Pizza at 11:30, Presentation and Discussion at 12:00) *Please bring your own cup for drinks Location: Bond Life Sciences Center, Room 572 Dr. Bethany Stone, Teaching Professor of Biological Sciences, Division of Biological Sciences Dr. Stephen Klien, Assistant Teaching Professor, Director of Undergraduate Studies, Department of Communication How do you know if your teaching is…

Online Problem-Based Learning: We Caught a Unicorn!
Special Guests: Lea Wood, DNP, MS(N)-RN, Assistant Teaching Professor Laura Foley, Instructional Designer Amanda Stafford, Instructional Designer Description: Group projects often elicit groans from students. We found a way to change that in a way that meaningful to learners in an online platform. In this presentation, we’ll discuss how we used problem-based learning (PBL) and…

October 18: Dr. Jamie Lester, George Mason University
Dr. Jaime Lester, GMU 11-12, Monsanto auditorium (Co-hosted by HHMI Inclusive Excellence Summit and Abell Conversations) Interested in inclusive reform for campuses? In this talk, Jamie Lester will present research on grassroots organizational change in colleges and universities. She will also offer tactics for others to successfully create change across a range of initiatives.