Inclusivity in the STEM Classroom
In this seminar, instructors will learn how to evaluate their classroom management style, develop more inclusive and engaging syllabus content and curriculum. Dr. Tojan Rahhal Director of Diversity and Outreach Initiatives, and Adjunct Assistant Professor in BioEngineering Brittani Fults Education, Prevention, and Outreach Coordinator

Seasonal variation in subsidy delivery to tropical streams: A gameful teaser of ecological proportions.
Ever wonder how you might capitalize on the motivational nature of games in a more formal academic setting? Well wonder no more! Stop by for this installment of Abell Conversations, and you'll experience an active, gameful learning approach to college science teaching - in this case, you'll learn about the ecological link between water, land, and people in a tropical setting. You…

Assessing the effectiveness of instructional videos in an online engineering course
As all-online, media-heavy courses continue to become more prevalent, there is a need to understand how learners interact with large numbers of instructional videos presented in a variety of formats throughout an entire course term. This session will take a holistic view of an online engineering class which delivers its instructional content through a large…

Experiences with Active Learning, Active Teaching, and Creativity
We have all heard some of the good, the bad, and the ugly of active learning. Many questions arise from those who have tried active learning strategies or would like to try to implement active learning. Is it difficult? Do I have to completely redesign my course? Does it really work? Can’t I just lecture?…

Completing discipline-based education research (DBER) in an upper-level botany course
Discipline-Based Educational Research (DBER) examines teaching and learning within the science and engineering disciplines (NRC, 2012). This talk will explore the collaboration between a plant biology researcher and a science education researcher to conduct DBER in the redesign and implementation of a botany course for upper-level undergraduate biology majors. Dr. Laura Zangori Science Education

Opportunities and Challenges for Developing Scholarship in Teaching and Learning in STEM Disciplines at the University of Missouri
Join us for a discussion about Science Teaching at MU. The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SOTL) considers teaching as a scholarly endeavor which is an important subject for research and inquiry that results in improved teaching outcomes. This presentation will talk about the increasing SOTL opportunities at the University of Missouri for graduate students,…

Considerations for Flipped Instruction
Dr. Zandra de Araujo Mathematics Education Dr. Samuel Otten Mathematics Education

Multilingual confusion? Learning organic chemistry from multiple external representations
Dr. Gautam Bhattacharyya from Missouri State University will lead a lunchtime discussion of the question: How do we help students learn science content when it is taught via multiple “languages”, none of which students may understand particularly well? FREE PIZZA Dr. Gautam Bhattacharyya Missouri State University, Chemistry

Engineering for Non Engineers: Technological Literacy and General Education
Dr. Aaron Krawitz Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

IMSD EXPRESS: A holistic intervention to increase student success among under-represented minority STEM majors
Brian Booton Biochemistry Dr. Mark Hannink Biochemistry Dr. Brenda Peculis Biochemistry